Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Charade Continues....

So it's now been just over a week since the election. To date, we've seen that the Conservatives seem to believe that two sets of rules exist, one for them, and one for the rest of the world. We are still waiting on that paragon of Ethics to lay it to Stephen Harper. Why did you not meet with the Ethics Commissioner? Would you have accepted a response of "I was too busy" from Paul Martin? What exactly do you have to hide, Mr Harper?
Not that I really expect anyone in the party, or anyone in our 'Liberal' media (the biggest lie ever) to ask these questions. My only concern is that Canadians themselves don't seem to be asking them........

Liberal Leadership
I've seen it mentioned a few times before, but never seriously. Is there any interest on the part of Ralph Goodale to run for the Leadership? He's a good Sask man, is well respected (despite the CPC, and the RCMP's attempt to tarnish that), and a name known around Canada. If he were to announce a french-canadian running partner (be it from Quebec, or Brunswick) as the beginning of the campaign, I truly believe that the Grits would have a chance to oust the CPC.


Saturday, January 28, 2006

Do As I Say, Not As I Do... Part Two

So Stephen Harper believes that the Ethics Commissioner’s role should be strengthened, and that the public should be allowed to make complaints. He believes that the members of Parliament should be held accountable to this office, and has even talked of enforcing this through a new Accountability Act. He even told reporters that this would be his first order of business. All of this is fine and dandy, and would be a wonderful change. Except that Mr. Harper himself seems to be exempt from this. The man he chastised for several months as corrupt and unethical, Paul Martin, not only called the Gomery Inquiry, knowing it would mean his downfall even though it had nothing to do with him. He testified in it. He interviewed for the Grewal scandal, and has made himself available at every request. The man who called him out? The one preaching the return of Ethics? Well, it seems that Stephen Harper was too busy to interview for the Grewal scandal. Too busy to answer some very important questions about his role in the whole dirty conspiracy. All this, and we’re one week in folks.

"Cultural Marxism"

That is the term Harper’s good friends, the American right, uses to label Canadians. The same man responsible for the gag order on the Canadian right (just what were they hiding?) is now sending free advice our beloved, deceitful Prime Minister’s way. His suggestions? Replace Liberal-named judges who backed SSM and abortion with those more sympathetic to Harper’s views (were Harper’s comforting statements before the election mockery of us?). In theory, these judges would find that the rights of equality that we espouse as a nation are not really granted anywhere in the charter (like that is the be-all and the end-all). He claims that the cultural Marxism has been foisted on Canadians, and that Canada has become so hedonistic that it would take years to reverse. Together they could possibly change the public ethic. This is the real right people. This is what they stand for. Their idea of ‘freedom’ is our way or no way. They have no respect for anyone else’s opinion or point of view. This is what we have voted in. Hope you’re happy Canada….

Truthfully Yours

Friday, January 27, 2006

Blame The Immigrants, Like A Good Hypocrit

Tell me this, is there a single, non-biased paper, or editorialist in Canada? Anywhere? I have to ask this question too. Does anybody really take the Toronto Sun seriously? I mean, Brian Mulroney is on the freakin board. Anyway, what brings on this latest tirade is the venom being spewed by Mr. Bob MacDonald. This man shows exactly why the Conservatives cannot gain the immigrant vote. They don’t consider them real Canadians. From lines such as Harper’s famous ghetto comments, to the latest MacDonald shots. In his Rebuilding article (which I like to dub ‘My love poem to Harper’), he states ‘since 1965, when a Grit regime softened Canada’s immigration laws’ as if these people are not Canadian, just as you and I are. Perhaps Mr. MacDonald, and the rest of Conservative movement are all decendants of the original Canadians. I mean, of course they are decendants of native North Americans. It would be silly for the decendant of an immigrant to think that more recent immigrants are less Canadian. So there it is. If you are recently new to our wonderful country, welcome. Perhaps you could write to Mr. MacDonald at bob.macdonald@tor.sunpub.com , and ask him why his opinion of Canada should matter any more than yours does. I also implore you to remember comments such as these in the coming years, and refresh the CPC memory as to their opinions of new Canadians.

Do As I Say, Not As I Do...

Poor Stephen Harper. It must be really hard trying to convince Ontarians that he means what he says. Unfortunately, for our friends who enjoy an alternative lifestyle, the joke may be on them. Just before the election, Harper claimed that SSM was not at the top of his agenda, and that he suspected that we would not dealing with it right away. Now that he is in power? "I would prefer to do it sooner, rather than later." Can we really believe anything this guy says? What other promises, or comfort statements did he make up just to ease our minds? Could we be seeing the beginnings of his real agenda?

Truthfully Yours

PS- Going forward, I will only be postind once per day. Its just that they may be very long posts, since the CPC gives me so much ammo.

Slightly Off Topic... Or Is It?

This is not my normal whining, but it's political in nature just the same....

Yet another female teacher taking advantage of a student, and yet another example of the gender bias that exists in society today. Renee Florence Gaudet, a 27 year old teacher in New Brunswick, received a conditional sentence for sexually assaulting a 13 year old former male student. Everyone gets up in arms whenever a young female is damaged, or taken advantage of like this, where is the uproar over the damage being done to our young men? When will we, as a society, realize that women can be monsters too? Women are just as capable of harming as men are. How many victims must suffer before we realize this??

Another thing that irks me. Why is it that people are constantly complaining that not enough women, or minorities, are being elected? Last I checked, we were a democratic society. When I vote, I don't look at your gender, background, or ethnicity. I look at what you are going to do for me, and my country. That is what politics is all about. It's about time that people understood that your gender, or ethnicity, is not a qualification....

Truthfully Yours

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The First Conservative Scandal has begun.

Well, here we are, mere DAYS into a new Conservative government, and the truth is already looking very scary.
or, http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2006/01/25/ethics-probe060125.html, both of which clear Dosanjh, and pretty much indicate what people have known all along. Based on previous statements by the CPC, we can pretty much sum this up in two points:
A) All Conservatives are liars, cheaters, and cannot be trusted. Grewal doctored evidence, and then passed it off to the rest of the country as proof of the Liberal corruption.
B) Stephen Harper is either corrupt himself, or totally inept as party leader. There is no way for Harper not to have known what was going on, and if he didn't, he obviously cannot be trusted to run our country.

Sound familiar? Funny how that can work both ways. Funny how everything the Conservatives have accused the Liberals of, they are guilty of themselves. As I stated before, Hypocrisy seems to be the new Conservative movement.

One last thing, anybody else notice how this was repressed for fear it would affect the election results, and yet the RCMP had no problems advising everyone that they were looking into a possible leak? I guess at least they're honest. They didn't want to affect the election results, they already had them predetermined. Man, this country is starting to look more and more like the political joke to the south everyday.

For another interesting take, you can read this: http://torontosun.canoe.ca/News/Canada/2006/01/26/1412395-sun.html.
About ten sentences, probably buried in the back of the paper (I only saw the onine version), and no mention at all of Harper's role. Well, then again, the Toronto Sun has never really been considered more than a Tory scandal rag.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What's Done Is Done

So we have a new Prime Minister, and many on the left side of the equation have proclaimed doom for our country. Being a centrist on most issues myself. I don't see things the same way. Go figure. Here it is, in black and white. Harper has a minority. He has absolutely no power to implement anything, unless he works with the others (who, except for the Liberals, all appear to be way left). While I would be the first to start learning the Star Spangled banner had he won a majority, the fact is, this could be a government that could actually get something done.
The crybabies on the right can now claim to have some power over the country, and will now stop their constant threats of separation. Meanwhile, Ontario is still well represented, and Quebec is leaning away from the Bloq movement, for the time being. We have a real opportunity to unite this country again, if only we could all get along.
The ball's in your court Stephen Harper. I, for one, am interested to see what you do with it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Campaigning Is Hard Work

Sorry everyone, but I have spent the last two days campaigning my butt off. Good to see it was only a minority government. I really thought that this was the election that the smaller parties would finally make a difference. However, Canadians still seem stuck on the notion that only two parties could possibly represent this country. Well, should be an interesting new year.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Wow, I'm actually at a loss for words today (those who know me, know how powerful and mystifying that statement actually is). Good news seems to filtering through however. The possibility of a Conservative Majority seems to have faded from view, thank goodness. They may still win, mind you. Just hope Canadians don't get pulled too deep in by the fact that a minority Harper government will do anything in it's power to assure Canadians they're harmless. That will be the next step you know. Canadians will start to believe it, and the next thing you know, we're singing God Bless America with the rest of the right wing nut jobs.

Just a few musings from a fellow 'Commie' (or so I've been labelled)....

Truthfully Yours...

Friday, January 20, 2006

Harper's Firewall: Vive L'Alberta Libre

So a vote for the Liberals is a vote for separation? Let's take a look at this for a moment. Over the last twelve years, the Liberals have fought tooth and nail to make Quebec see that their place was in Canada.They've done, and said anything possible. Some of it (Adscam) was illegal, and maybe not the best route to take. However, when it comes to keeping our nation together, they were willing to play dirty. They knew that the Bloc, and the PQ, were not going to play by the rules, and would do everything possible to ensure that the average franco-Canadien had no idea what life would REALLY be like outside of confederation, so they took risks, and threw every dollar they could at it to try and play the same games. We're all human, we all know that for the most part, the average joe such as myself does not always think through the consequences of their actions. We all know the 'Too good be true' line, but yet we all still jump on the bandwagon, hoping for once that it is not a con. Well, the Liberal Party knew that the population of Quebec was about to become the victims of a horrible con job, and did everything they could. Was it wrong? Yes. Did they have another choice? Not really. What is my point? Simply this: To say that the Liberals are pushing Quebec to seperate is dishonest. I guess with that logic, it does not shock me that the king of hypocrisy, Stephen Harper himself, is leading this charade. This is the same man who stated that he would build a firewall around Alberta, a man who was once a Reformist, hell,wrote their platform. Anyone who remembers the Reform party (I was a member) knows that Quebec was as good as done if they ever got in. It was Harper and his cronies who were so concerned with ridding Ottawa of the government that Canadians themselves voted in, that decided to drum up scandal after scandal. In their endless quest to tarnish the Liberals, and take away from the fact that this country has been run better in the last decade than it had been in ages, the CPC drummed up Adscam. With it, they managed to do two things. They've taken everyone's mind off of actual issues that concern every Canadian, convincing far too many that a CPC government, which would basically be a clone of the Bush Administration (with one large difference, Harper is intelligent), would be any less corrupt. Corruption exists in every corporation, at every level. In large groups, it is inevitable. It is not the party, but the individuals that are corrupt. It is amazing how little play the Grewal situation got, even though this man got CAUGHT manufacturing evidence, MAKING UP a scandal. If you think Harper had no idea, you're kiding yourself. But nobody in our 'Liberal' media is pointing this out. They've also managed to alienate Quebec, and basically assure that when the next referendum comes around, the Yes vote should get the boost it needs. He's managed to ensure that many franco-Canadians will vote out of anger, instead of reasoning. Once Quebec seperates, he will have all the ammo he needs to take Alberta out next. Hopefully, Canadians will realise that 'Stand Up For Canada' is just the latest in a string of Conservative hypocrisy. Hopefully, we will all wake up and realise that once Harper gets in, our country is finished.

Truthfuly Yours

The Alberta Situation: Spoiled Children

I've heard time and again how if the Liberals should somehow pull outthis election, that the seperatist movement in Alberta would explode. Ihear this, and I can't help thinking: why? Why do they want to leavethis country? Why do they feel that they are being ignored? Do they notunderstand that Canada does care what they think? The problem, as I seeit, is that the population of Alberta (at least the portion that wishesto destroy our nation), is in the minority with their views? That forthe most part, the rest of Canada does not agree with them? I've heardmany a politician from that area claiming that the minority are makingthe rules for the majority in the present system, and yet they areattempting to do the same thing! Canada is a passionate, caring, andproud nation, built on the belief that every Canadian is entitled to anequal opportunity in life, regardless of their financial or socialstatus. It wasn't that long ago that Alberta was on the lower side ofthe financial puzzle, receiving those equalization payments that theyseem to disdain so much. Striking oil changes people I guess. What Ifind really ironic is that this province seems to fall into the biblethumping category. What ever happened to 'Do unto others as you wouldhave others do for you?' I guess that's been replaced with 'Do as I say,not as I do.'

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Harper's Plan for Iraq: Sound familiar?

From the Conservative website:

and I quote:
"Articulate Canada’s core values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law, human rights, free markets, and free trade ― and compassion for the less fortunate ― on the world stage; "

Does this sound familiar? Bring on Iraq, right Harper?

Hargrove, the man, the myth, the CPC hypocrisy..

As my first order of business, they have done it again. Buzz Hargrove, genius that he is, decided it would be wise to label Stephen Harper as a Seperatist. The CPC’s well oiled PR machine has turned this statement into another circus.

Let’s keep in mind that Hargrove is NOT a Liberal. He is NOT running for office, but he IS Canadian. This means that he is allowed to speak his mind, no matter how looney it is.

This is not even my point however. My point is this: Every time anybody mentions anything about the CPC, they turn it all around, and act all surprised that somebody would attack them personally. The hypocrisy is just maddening! This party goes around and attacks over any little thing.

Now, I don’t believe myself that Harper is a Seperatist. In fact, I think the man has an incredible passion for a Canada that he believes in. I may not share that view, but he is entitled to his own.

What disturbs me is that a Party that advertises that other parties are not morally, or ethically worthy of our votes, can be so two-faced themselves. Canadians need to understand that they are being played, and played well. The Conservative movement in Canada is mirroring the Neo-Con movement in the US, right down to the constant right-wing assault on our logic, and our emotions. They accuse the Liberal party of playing to the fears of Canadians, while playing to the anger of Canadians themselves.

I just never shut up

Private Health Care: Necessary evil?

Here is the dilemma in Canada. It is not as simple as black and white, as the CPC would have you believe. Canadians are not, as a whole, opposed to private health care. They are opposed to private health care at the expense of the public system. What this basically means is that our public taxes, and public funding, should be used for public services, and not to help those with an already extensive advantage to ahead even further. Should these privately funded clinics GUARANTEE that no public funding, government discounts, or public doctor funding should be applied to them, then I think many Canadians would ease up. The fact is, they would never agree to this, and in the first month of two-tier systems, we would see so many lawsuits, and challenges launched by these companies against the government for unfair practices, that the public system would be gutted.

About that GST cut...

So they’re gonna cut the GST. By two whole percent none the less. So how does that affect you and I, the average joe of Canada? Let’s take a look, a realistic one. The GST is what’s known as a consumption tax. What this means is that the more we spend, the more we would, in theory, save. The reason I put it this way is because I doubt saving two cents on the dollar is going to change much about the way Canadians spend. However, let’s humour them. A recent study has shown that this will save the average low-income, Canadian family (approximately 15-25000 per year in salary) $143 per year. Where is this money going to be saved? Well, there’s no GST on groceries (unless we’re talking chips, soda, etc, not exactly necessity), so it won’t help there. Gas prices show no signs of slowing down, and no 1-2 cent difference is really gonna help prices there. So where does this GST cut really help Canadians? Well, if you happen to be spending 50-60K a year on cars, or clothing, or other fun luxuries, this is perfect for you. For the rest of Canada, big deal. Let’s take this cut for what it is, a tax break for those who spend lots of money.
Also, to do this, Harper will be repealing the income tax cut that Martin has already applied, as well as the raising the personal exemption amount again. So in the end, the less fortunate among us are going to pay for the more fortunate to buy more expensive toys. Is anybody really shocked by this? How long until Harper starts toying with minimum wage, benefits, or job security? Big business all the way baby!!

An example of the incredible misinformation being spewed..

Granted, this is just from a political forum, but here is a glimpse into a Conservative mind.

Note the facts that two former CONSERVATIVES, booted for disagreeing with Herr Fuhrer, I mean Harper (I guess free votes are ok, but opinions are not), are challenging the blogosphere for possible violations of Canada's election laws. Then notice the title of the thread. This is what we are dealing with. There are no limits to what these people will go through to get their way.

Here's to the disintegration of Canada.

Welcome One and All (Probably Closer To One)

I swore I would never go down this road. Hell this is why we have forums, and letters to the editor. But the fact is, today, in North America, the media runs everything. The only way to get the REAL truth out, is by Blog I guess. I just hope I can get enough Canadians to read this before it's too late. Expect my first desperate plee within the next couple days.

Truthfully yours