Saturday, March 08, 2008

My Good Friend, Goldstein

So it's been a year now!! Does that tell you how happy I've been with our current government? Not at all I guess... Truth is, I still can't stand them. And I can't stand the way some Canadians think we are better off.

Anyway, I've decided to concentrate on one person for today, my good friend Lorrie Goldstein of the Toronto Sun *cough* newspaper.

I figured I would do these in chronological order, so bear with me ;)

It's called an opinion....

Let me begin by saying that I am NOT a big fan of David Suzuki, and think that he does occasionally go way over the top with his eco green stuff. I DO agree that we need to do something to help the planet out, and I do agree that our current governments are not doing enough. Suzuki voiced this criticism, and went so far as to suggest that our current leaders should be jailed for crimes against the environment. Goldstein, without missing a beat, takes this opportunity to jump on the Harper defense wagon of course. " I'm guessing he wasn't talking about the Liberals." Well no, I guess not, since they aren't in power right? The point of this article is that Goldstein feels that the Suzuki Foundation's charitable status should be revoked, as Suzuki has repeatedly criticized the Harper government. This is obviously political campaigning for the Suzuki foundation, bi-partisan of course. Forget the fact that anyone with even remote brainwaves can tell that this is an Environmentalist battling with a non-Green (the philosophy, not the party) political entity. Even the examples he quotes relate to Suzuki criticizing the inactions of the government. For example, "The only thing he cares about is getting re-elected with a majority government," Suzuki said. "I don't believe there is a green bone in Harper's body -- he has never, ever indicated he cares about the environment ...". Goldstein then states "This is Non Partisan?" Perhaps he could point out the partisan portion of that statement. Nowhere are they calling for people to vote them out, or vote anyone else in. They have not endorsed another party, and are not campaigning for one. But hey, anyone who disagrees with Harper should be punished in any way possible right? By the way, Lorrie, a quick look around the webpage you provide will give you an entire list of people, part of the David Suzuki Foundation, who may, or may not share his opinion. But hey, I know that's a lot of work for someone like you.....

Apparently, all Ontarians are Christian, and Dalton needs to understand this...

Dalton McGuinty has suggested that the Provincial legislature might change it's approach to reflect the changing diversity of our province.
He has recommended replacing the Lord's Prayer and replacing it with something more diverse, as many other provinces (Including Goldstein's precious Alberta) already have. Well, of course, we can't have a Liberal government doing that, now can we Lorrie? Tolerance? Acceptance? Not in our province!! Only christian beliefs need apply! I am of course referring to Goldstein's column from February 17th, where he proceeds to ridicule pretty much every belief system there is, while piling it on a government trying to make a difference. How dare they right?

Well Duh....

Okay, last one for this week. The Carbon tax. Goldstein titled this article perfectly. Apparently, when the Suzuki Foundation refers to the poluters, they are actually referring to you and I. Well no @#!$, Sherlock! Are you telling me you don't polute? Do you use a vehicle, ever? Nearly every person in this country polutes, so yes, I would imagine they are referring to us. Now, the article is very indepth, and does go on to explain what exactly the tax would entail (yes, it would entail more money out of our pockets, which I really don't have, but considering the price of oil right now, and the way it's rising, I won't have any use for a car soon anyway). What Goldstein fails to grasp is the fact that SOMETHING needs to be done, and soon. With gas prices rising the way they are, very few people are going to be able to drive to work soon, even if it is just down the street (let alone another city). What this tax just might do is get people to jump on their politicians backs, on the backs of the auto makers, on the backs of our research departments, in the hopes that they might put some real effort into finding an alternative. You cannot tell me that with all the advances we've made in the past 100 years, that there is no way for us to develop transportation that uses other fuels. But hey, Goldstein and his buddies don't want you knowing that!! BTW, anybody else here think that Lorrie has quite the bone to pick with Suzuki? Like seriously, you're not the only one entitled to an opinion .


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