Saturday, February 11, 2006

Superficial Criticism

"I think I was clear what I did, and why I did it" Harper states when
confronted about his Cabinet APPOINTMENT (not election) of Michael
Fortier. "Superficial Criticism", he comments about those uprising
against the defection of David Emerson. Let's not forget the comments
from the rest of the Conservative Circus. It has recently been noted (to
death) that there is no longer any reason to question why so few
Canadians vote. Yes, it is apparent that you really can't trust anyone.
Liberal or Conservative. In essence, they really do seem to be one and
the same. Sure, the Conservative Party claims to be the more eithical of
the two, but hell, anybody can say that. One week in, it's apparent that
they don't intend to uphold it. So now what? As Canadians, what do we
do? We can't topple the government already. After all, who would we
elect? The Liberals have no leader, and have not proven to anyone that
they are capable of leading honestly anyway. The Conservatives have
proven that they are liars, cheats, and hypocrites all in one week, and
still have not UNPROVEN that they are right-wing zealots bent on turning
us into America North. The NDP don't even believe that the NDP can win.
So what do we do? We have truly reached a crossroads in Canadian
Politics where we are damned no matter what road we choose. We have
reached a place where there really is no preferred choice. I refuse to
believe that there is no hope for us. There has to be a true leader out
there somewhere. There has to be someone that Canada can relate to,
someone that will lead us back to where we should be. Someone who will
say to the US 'Hey, we love you like a brother/sister, we're gonna be
there anytime you truly need us. But if you're acting like an idiot,
we're gonna tell you.' Someone who can say to BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan,
Manitoba, Ontario, and the Atlantic, 'I understand, I've been there.'
Someone who can say to Quebec 'You are Canadian, we want you to be
Canadian, and yes, we know that you are different. We love and respect
that about you.' Who is this person? Who is this mystery leader that
could take Canada where it should be? Who is this down to earth, Western
Prairie man who can bring us together (except maybe Alberta)? Ralph
Goodale, will you please stand up? I am calling right now. I don't care
if I have to join the Liberal Party myself and nominate him. The man is
totally electable. He represents everything I like to think a Canadian
should. Hell, his name even sounds Prime Minister-ish. Pair him up with
a good french Canadian (who he could even announce BEFORE the election
as his soon to be DPM) and I'm telling you now, the Liberals SWEEP
Canada. I know that he may be slightly tarnished by the Chretien regime,
but let's be honest here. How much do you really thik Ralph had to do
with Adscam?

Anyway, anyone who agrees with me, let's hear it.
Ralph Goodale for PM

Truthfully Yours


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