At a recent NPC appearance, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (yes,
unfortunately, people do still listen to this guy), compared Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez to Adolf Hitler. His reasons? Well, both were
legally elected. Hey Donald, guess who else was legally elected (well,
sorta anyway). George W Bush, and Stephen Harper. That's right, North
America's very own right wing tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum. It gets
better though. Other examples of Chavez' extreme evil are that he has 'a
lot of oil money', and is consolidating power. Oh yes, and at one point,
there was a lot of corruption in that part of the world. Now, once again
everyone, who else is trying to consolidate power around the planet?
What other nation is currently scandal ridden? What other two North
American leaders are big oil men? Sorry, there are huge differences
here, Chavez didn't bomb some poor defenseless country into the stone
age to get his oil. Chavez doesn't lock up his own citizens for years
without charging them, just because they happen to look middle eastern.
Chavez doesn't silence his own people, just for disagreeing with him, or
make them disappear. Chavez also didn't win his election by ensuring
that certain elements of the population couldn't vote, or by having his
brother rig a state, or by having certain police elements of his state
throw out unfounded allegations days before the election (right
Stephen?) Hitler's Nazi Party was also well known for their propaganda,
and hate campaigns, unfounded allegations, and outright lies to their
people to make them go along. Sound familiar? So tell me now, who sounds
more like Hitler. Chavez? Bush? Or Harper? I'll go with B, and C.
Truthfully Yours
No Matter How Messed Up You Are, The Person Next To You Is Always More
Messed Up. Words To Live By.......
very nice.
I'm hoping that isn't sarcasm ;)
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