Saturday, January 28, 2006

Do As I Say, Not As I Do... Part Two

So Stephen Harper believes that the Ethics Commissioner’s role should be strengthened, and that the public should be allowed to make complaints. He believes that the members of Parliament should be held accountable to this office, and has even talked of enforcing this through a new Accountability Act. He even told reporters that this would be his first order of business. All of this is fine and dandy, and would be a wonderful change. Except that Mr. Harper himself seems to be exempt from this. The man he chastised for several months as corrupt and unethical, Paul Martin, not only called the Gomery Inquiry, knowing it would mean his downfall even though it had nothing to do with him. He testified in it. He interviewed for the Grewal scandal, and has made himself available at every request. The man who called him out? The one preaching the return of Ethics? Well, it seems that Stephen Harper was too busy to interview for the Grewal scandal. Too busy to answer some very important questions about his role in the whole dirty conspiracy. All this, and we’re one week in folks.

"Cultural Marxism"

That is the term Harper’s good friends, the American right, uses to label Canadians. The same man responsible for the gag order on the Canadian right (just what were they hiding?) is now sending free advice our beloved, deceitful Prime Minister’s way. His suggestions? Replace Liberal-named judges who backed SSM and abortion with those more sympathetic to Harper’s views (were Harper’s comforting statements before the election mockery of us?). In theory, these judges would find that the rights of equality that we espouse as a nation are not really granted anywhere in the charter (like that is the be-all and the end-all). He claims that the cultural Marxism has been foisted on Canadians, and that Canada has become so hedonistic that it would take years to reverse. Together they could possibly change the public ethic. This is the real right people. This is what they stand for. Their idea of ‘freedom’ is our way or no way. They have no respect for anyone else’s opinion or point of view. This is what we have voted in. Hope you’re happy Canada….

Truthfully Yours


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