The Alberta Situation: Spoiled Children
I've heard time and again how if the Liberals should somehow pull outthis election, that the seperatist movement in Alberta would explode. Ihear this, and I can't help thinking: why? Why do they want to leavethis country? Why do they feel that they are being ignored? Do they notunderstand that Canada does care what they think? The problem, as I seeit, is that the population of Alberta (at least the portion that wishesto destroy our nation), is in the minority with their views? That forthe most part, the rest of Canada does not agree with them? I've heardmany a politician from that area claiming that the minority are makingthe rules for the majority in the present system, and yet they areattempting to do the same thing! Canada is a passionate, caring, andproud nation, built on the belief that every Canadian is entitled to anequal opportunity in life, regardless of their financial or socialstatus. It wasn't that long ago that Alberta was on the lower side ofthe financial puzzle, receiving those equalization payments that theyseem to disdain so much. Striking oil changes people I guess. What Ifind really ironic is that this province seems to fall into the biblethumping category. What ever happened to 'Do unto others as you wouldhave others do for you?' I guess that's been replaced with 'Do as I say,not as I do.'
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