Tell me this, is there a single, non-biased paper, or editorialist in Canada? Anywhere? I have to ask this question too. Does anybody really take the Toronto Sun seriously? I mean, Brian Mulroney is on the freakin board. Anyway, what brings on this latest tirade is the venom being spewed by Mr. Bob MacDonald. This man shows exactly why the Conservatives cannot gain the immigrant vote. They don’t consider them real Canadians. From lines such as Harper’s famous ghetto comments, to the latest MacDonald shots. In his Rebuilding article (which I like to dub ‘My love poem to Harper’), he states ‘since 1965, when a Grit regime softened Canada’s immigration laws’ as if these people are not Canadian, just as you and I are. Perhaps Mr. MacDonald, and the rest of Conservative movement are all decendants of the original Canadians. I mean, of course they are decendants of native North Americans. It would be silly for the decendant of an immigrant to think that more recent immigrants are less Canadian. So there it is. If you are recently new to our wonderful country, welcome. Perhaps you could write to Mr. MacDonald at
, and ask him why his opinion of Canada should matter any more than yours does. I also implore you to remember comments such as these in the coming years, and refresh the CPC memory as to their opinions of new Canadians. Do As I Say, Not As I Do...
Poor Stephen Harper. It must be really hard trying to convince Ontarians that he means what he says. Unfortunately, for our friends who enjoy an alternative lifestyle, the joke may be on them. Just before the election, Harper claimed that SSM was not at the top of his agenda, and that he suspected that we would not dealing with it right away. Now that he is in power? "I would prefer to do it sooner, rather than later." Can we really believe anything this guy says? What other promises, or comfort statements did he make up just to ease our minds? Could we be seeing the beginnings of his real agenda?
Truthfully Yours
PS- Going forward, I will only be postind once per day. Its just that they may be very long posts, since the CPC gives me so much ammo.
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