Friday, February 03, 2006

The Military Triumverate

Stephen Harper, Giuliano Zaccardelli, and Rick Hillier. Canada's own war
machine. It seems now that the election is over, Zaccardelli (RCMP), and
Hillier (Canadian Forces) are good buddies of Harper's. So now one has
to wonder, was the RCMP's publicy releasing information on an
investigation into Goodale just bad timing? Or was it a good plain ol'
case of election tampering? So now we have one agency withholding
information that could be bad for the CPC, and another purposefully
releasing unproven allegations, knowing it would affect the results.
Anybody else get the feeling that maybe the CPC isn't as ethical as
they'd like to have us believe? Get the feeling maybe we were scammed
by this current government? Guess the republicans aren't the only dirty
players on this continent, the only party who has no qualms with
blatantly lying and misleading their people to get what they want.
Hopefully we wake up before we end up down the same road our buddies to
the north are.


One has to wonder, last night when Harper was giving the all too
familiar 'Restoring Government Accountability' spiel yesterday, if a
single reporter brought up the Grewal Scandal. Any money says it was not
even whispered. I guess his mission is to restore accountability to a
Liberal government, while avoid it himself. Maybe someday our media will
get some guts, and actually stand up for Canada. Until then, I guess
we'll just have to be content with the CPC spin we've all come to
know as news. Once again, I ask all Canadians, does this not seem oddly
familiar to you? Do we remember what happened to the last nation that
blindly followed it's leader's blatant misinformation?

Truthfully Yours

No Matter How Messed Up You Are, The Person Next To You Is Always More
Messed Up. Words To Live By.......


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