Saturday, February 04, 2006


One of the most controversial issues in politics today is the role
religion plays in it. Before I start, let me say two things. One, I am
Catholic myself (although not very active), and two, I have nothing
against organised religion. I can't be clear enough about these two
things. However, the fact that organised religion is now creeping back
into federal politics is something that cannot be dismissed. Religion is
a personal belief system, used to shape your own personal beliefs, and
goals in life. Every person in our wonderful country has their own
interpretations of what it is they are supposed to do in life. Using
your politic position in life to force those views onto others is
blatant discrimination. This is exactly what religion in politics does.
It excuses discrimination for the sake of that particular group's
version of the greater good. In my version of the world, God has never
asked me to discriminate. He has asked me to spread his word, sure, and
let others know just how good things can be. But he has also asked me
NOT to judge others, and to treat them exactly as I would have them
treat me. He has taught me to look out for my brothers and sisters,
especially those that have less than I do, or are less fortunate, and he
has taught me that greed is a sin. He has taught me to be humble, and to
realise that I am no better than those I look down upon. So where did we
all go wrong with this? When did we decide that we have the right to
tell others how to live their lives? When did God decide that we should
say tough luck to those who need us most, that they deserve what they
get. When did God pass the message along that since I make three times
more money than that family over there, that I have no obligation to
share my wealth and good fortune, and instead should watch them suffer
(even though they probably work three times as hard as I do, for a third
of the pay). What would our higher power (regardless of your religion)
think of today's lack of compassion for society? Many on the right label
my views as Socialist, but what is wrong with that? What is wrong about
caring about the good of humanity as a whole, and hoping to give as many
people as possible a decent shot at a good, happy life? What is it about
Frank marrying Steve, or Jody marrying Susan that is going to harm me? I
think it's wrong, and I would never do it myself, but it is not my life,
it's not harming me. They know I don't approve of it, and leave it at
that. End of story. Sex before marriage, same thing. Infidelity? Shame
on you, but has nothing to do with me (unless it happens to be my wife,
then we have trouble). The fact is, there is nothing wrong with
tolerating views and practices that you dont agree with. There is
nothing wrong with wanting to help others achieve their maximum
potential, and giving them a financial helping hand along the way. Is
there going to be people who abuse that support? Of course there is.
There is always going to bad apples. There is nothing we can do about
that. But the strong majority of people who are receiving the pitiful
amounts we give them to live on with social services, be it welfare,
unemployment, disability, or others, are only there because they have no
other options. They feel no better about taking our hard earned dollars
than most of us do when we have to ask those we care most about for
help. Instead of vilifying these people, we should be guiding them,
getting them back on their feet, and showing them that life does go on
for them. Tough breaks happen to all of us, regardless of our beliefs.
I'm pretty sure that no matter who your God is, he would rather you
ensure that the family down the street has something to eat, than for
you to go out and buy that second Mercedes for your family. Think about
that for a minute. All of this, of course, is my opinion of religion,
and cannot be forced on you, or anyone else, even though this is what I
take religion to mean. Others take more extreme views, and believe that
if it's wrong for them, it should be wrong for you too. They would make
this law in our nation. They would take their views, and make them
yours. In the process, they would turn their backs on those less
fortunate, and those most hard done by in society, to pad their wallets.
They do these things, while stating that way back when, our society was
founded on these religious testaments. The thing to remember is that way
back when, society was different. Canada was different. Canada is a MUCH
more diverse nation today than it ever was back then. A much more
tolerant (sometimes), and accepting nation. One that, until now, has
believed in 'To each their own' and 'Everyone deserves a chance'. The
warped view that many project as religion today, picking and choosing
the passages that suit their beliefs, while ignoring those that don't,
would tear the very fabric of our nation. We need to get back to the
humanitarian, passionate society that we once were, and leave our
bibles, and judgements, at home.

Truthfully Yours


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..... why can't you guys get this? Stop defending their 'rights' to ruin our children..

2:09 PM  
Blogger RH Kelly said...

A) They're not ruining anything. Believe it or not, they are not going to TEACH your son or daughter to be 'gay'. It's not something you choose, or learn.

B) I suppose you've never had a flu shot, or eaten Pizza, or McDonald's, or even had a coke for that matter. I suppose if you got cancer, you wouldn't go see a doctor. You've never watched television, or played Xbox. You most certainly have never driven a car. You see, none of this stuff was created, or mentioned, in the bible. Funny how we still accept those.

C) Where does it say that Adam and Eve were the only two humans created? What colour were they? What language did they speak. Sorry, I just need to know these answers so that I know who else I can discriminate against.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't mean to start anything, but Jesus was an African American... you should know this. I get the feeling your not one, so you will be eradacated soon enough... probably just white trash demanding that everyone conform and get along right....

2:23 PM  
Blogger RH Kelly said...

Yup, thats it...

2:23 PM  

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