The Double Standards Of Stephen Harper
Remember the name Belinda Stronach. Remember the insults, the degradations, the downright nastiness that accompanied her switch of allegiances, from the Conservative Party of Canada, to the Liberals. Remember the cries for a by-election, and an investigation into her defection. Remember the complaints that she was given a portfolio right away. Now remember the name David Emerson. After winning his seat in Vancouver on election night, AS A LIBERAL, he was given a seat in Harper’s cabinet, as a Conservative. I look forward to Harper’s explanation of this one.
Do As I Say, Not As I Do…. Part Three…
Harper stated before the election that he would only appoint elected senators and officials to his Cabinet. Well, that promise lasted an entire two weeks. With the appointment of Michael Fortier to the Cabinet, and to the Senate yesterday, Harper proved that the Liberal Party is not the only one capable of abusing it’s power, and that his word is about as valuable as a Stockwell Day quote. So let’s see, since being elected, Harper has proclaimed more government accountability. How does he do this? By ignoring the Ethics commissioner, stating that SMS is not a priority while saying he’d like to get it out of the way as soon as possible, decrying the Liberals bribing elected officials to switch sides, and then nabbing one of his own. He has even decided that the Senate (that he advised all Ontarians not to worry about as they are Liberal biased) needed a little unelected flavor. Oh yes, and our new Justice Minister? You may remember him leading guilty to breaking Canada’s election laws. Yup, definitely morally superior to the Liberal Party of Canada. Seriously, can we trust anything this guy says??
The Outcry Over Mohammed
Many have to be asking, why aren’t more Christians, and Westerners more upset by the depictions in this cartoon? Well, over the years, we have come to recognize that nothing is sacred and safe anymore. They, quite frankly, are no different to us than seeing a depiction making fun of Santa Claus. What does bother me, however, is the reaction in much of the Middle East. I ask these people that are looting, and attacking the Embassies and Communities of Christians around the world. Are you stupid? Seriously. With these events, they have just proven every stereotype that has ever been applied to them. They have proven that they are nothing but Barbaric, violence-addicted criminals, who only want to hurt God fearing people. They have played right into Dubya’s hand. I’d feel sorry for them, but as anyone who reads this knows, there is nothing I hate more than hypocrisy. And I’m pretty sure they are not innocent of ridiculing Christianity themselves.
Truthfully Yours
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