Thursday, February 09, 2006

What's The Difference??

The parallels between our government, and the circus to the south continue. Mr. Stephen (Duh, what promise?) Harper has named Gordon O’Connor as our new Defense Minister. This is the same O’Connor that represented Airbus (Mulroney’s best friends), Atlas Elektronik, BAE, you name it. So I guess there will be no surprises come time to big on the countless useless military projects Lord Harper the magnificent plans to thrust upon us. If there is big money to be made, why not make sure you have a lobbyist on the inside right? Gotta wonder if Harper himself has any stake in these companies.. Hey, I don’t think it’s far out of the realm of possibility for Mr. Harper to take the GW Bush approach to finances down the road. Less public programs (for those that actually need it) in favor of more guns (in case he needs more oil). Maybe Ontario had it right after all….

What Did I Do?

So David Emerson and Stephen Harper cannot understand the fuss behind the whole bait and switch that took place. Well, let’s take a look. The election is less than a week old. David Emerson (financed by his Liberal counterparts, campaigned for by his Liberal devotees) has just finished a strenuous week of campaigning on the evils of the CPC, about how dangerous electing them would be. His (arguably the Liberal Party’s) faithful concur with him. In fact, they give him, and his party, a resounding 43.5 percent of the vote. The NDP candidate makes a run of it, getting 33.5 percent. The Conservative candidate’s total reflects a reality that is already well known. Metro Canada has no intention of ever voting CPC. So he gets what he wants from his people, right? Apparently not. You see, apparently, Stephen Harper is no longer the ultimate evil. In fact, apparently, David Emerson, and all of the people who voted for him, were wrong about the man. Thank the lord that Emerson discovered this. He quickly righted this wrong, and ensured that the people in Vancouver-Kingsway were set on the right path, the one chosen by the obviously more intelligent, 18.8 percent of the population. He is, after all, doing it for the good of the riding. What would the 77 percent of the population who said no to Harper (many thanks to him) know about their needs anyway? Welcome to democracy, Harper style. I hope that you read this, and that eventually, you get it.

Truthfully Yours


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