I'm Back, I Think
Well, I think I'm sane enough to come back, so here I go. It seems that in the real world, nothing has changed. I do have a question for many of the readers out there. I hear time and time again of this Liberal media in Canada, and yet no proof or names are ever offered. Why is that? What is the Liberal media in Canada? The Toronto Star? The CBC? Is there really another? Very much on the other side of the equation are the Toronto Sun, the National Post (for that matter, anything CanWest), CTV.. I think I have just covered approximately 80% of the media in Canada. So can we please stop with the whole 'despite the Liberal media' BS? Seriously now. It just doesn't work in Canada. As for the media being out of touch with Canadians, they are correct. Keep in mind that just over 30% of Canadians voted for a right of center party. Canada is still a very left wing nation. Harper's clowns are a stop over. A punishment if you will. The CPC will be ousted come the next election, unless Harper can do some drastic mind changing.
The Securities 'Scandal'
The Conservative zealots are not stupid. Even though the Liberals have been ousted, they keep up the petty scandal games (anything to draw attention away from their own misdeeds). The latest is from Mr Fred Kerr, from the CIRI, Alberta chapter (shocker). The scandal of course, revolves around the fact that someone in the Liberal government may have leaked information regarding the income trust issue. Their man proof, that Mr Scott Brison emailed a buddy and said "I think you will be happier very soon". No details, no specifics, nothing. Just one guy sharing an 'I know something you don't know' moment. Anyone who has never done this, please raise your hands. Now, now, all you right wing nuts, put your hands down, honest answers only. The fact is, we've all done this. He did not reveal anything, nothing was disclosed at all. Was it the smartest thing to do? Maybe not, but it certainly isn't a 'scandal'. He then goes on to pull Ralph Goodale into it. His only link to guilt seems to be that he is a Liberal. Mr Kerr uses a lot of space to say nothing at all. An exact quote "Ralph Goodale... mortally wounded his own credibility by fumbling the income trust issue...." followed by "When he announced .... he would not be taxing trusts, trading patterns suggested that someone in government had leaked that decision in advance." So no proof that Goodale had done anything wrong, but hey, why not tarnish him anyway. The good news for the CPC, is that the 'Liberal' media takes any story they feed them, and worries about facts later. The bad? Canadians just don't seem to care.
Democracy Rules, If We Win....
The Right Wing Hypocrisy machine is at it again. While preaching democracy, and freedom around the world (by voice, or by force damn it), they continue to only acknowledge the results that suit their plans, and their ideals. While I will not even get into the whole South America mess, the US (and soon Canada, one would assume) has made no secret of their dislike, and distrust of recent election results down there. The one I will focus on today, is Hamas. The new leaders of the Palestinian Authority. Democratically elected. 'Vice President' Harper recently announced that Canada would not recognize the Hamas win, and would not deal with this 'Terrorist supported' organisation. Because Hamas has not (at this point) agreed to acknowledge Israel's right to exist (has Israel acknowledged theirs yet? Or are they still pretending, while secretly killing them?) Keep in mind that Hamas is slightly busy at the moment, shocked by the victory themselves. They are trying to organize, and put forth a government. But that's ok. The fact remains, these idiots preach Democracy and Freedom as their reasons for killing millions. These two faced demons, haters of free society, are denying the rights of these Palestinians to elect the people they feel best represent their needs. They say Liberals hate freedom, Liberals hate democracy. The truth is, the people currently attempting to brainwash the world are the ones who hate freedom. They want a society that questions nothing, and does as they're told, while getting poorer and poorer.... Welcome to the new world order....
Truthfully Yours
The Securities 'Scandal'
The Conservative zealots are not stupid. Even though the Liberals have been ousted, they keep up the petty scandal games (anything to draw attention away from their own misdeeds). The latest is from Mr Fred Kerr, from the CIRI, Alberta chapter (shocker). The scandal of course, revolves around the fact that someone in the Liberal government may have leaked information regarding the income trust issue. Their man proof, that Mr Scott Brison emailed a buddy and said "I think you will be happier very soon". No details, no specifics, nothing. Just one guy sharing an 'I know something you don't know' moment. Anyone who has never done this, please raise your hands. Now, now, all you right wing nuts, put your hands down, honest answers only. The fact is, we've all done this. He did not reveal anything, nothing was disclosed at all. Was it the smartest thing to do? Maybe not, but it certainly isn't a 'scandal'. He then goes on to pull Ralph Goodale into it. His only link to guilt seems to be that he is a Liberal. Mr Kerr uses a lot of space to say nothing at all. An exact quote "Ralph Goodale... mortally wounded his own credibility by fumbling the income trust issue...." followed by "When he announced .... he would not be taxing trusts, trading patterns suggested that someone in government had leaked that decision in advance." So no proof that Goodale had done anything wrong, but hey, why not tarnish him anyway. The good news for the CPC, is that the 'Liberal' media takes any story they feed them, and worries about facts later. The bad? Canadians just don't seem to care.
Democracy Rules, If We Win....
The Right Wing Hypocrisy machine is at it again. While preaching democracy, and freedom around the world (by voice, or by force damn it), they continue to only acknowledge the results that suit their plans, and their ideals. While I will not even get into the whole South America mess, the US (and soon Canada, one would assume) has made no secret of their dislike, and distrust of recent election results down there. The one I will focus on today, is Hamas. The new leaders of the Palestinian Authority. Democratically elected. 'Vice President' Harper recently announced that Canada would not recognize the Hamas win, and would not deal with this 'Terrorist supported' organisation. Because Hamas has not (at this point) agreed to acknowledge Israel's right to exist (has Israel acknowledged theirs yet? Or are they still pretending, while secretly killing them?) Keep in mind that Hamas is slightly busy at the moment, shocked by the victory themselves. They are trying to organize, and put forth a government. But that's ok. The fact remains, these idiots preach Democracy and Freedom as their reasons for killing millions. These two faced demons, haters of free society, are denying the rights of these Palestinians to elect the people they feel best represent their needs. They say Liberals hate freedom, Liberals hate democracy. The truth is, the people currently attempting to brainwash the world are the ones who hate freedom. They want a society that questions nothing, and does as they're told, while getting poorer and poorer.... Welcome to the new world order....
Truthfully Yours
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