So a vote for the Liberals is a vote for separation? Let's take a look at this for a moment. Over the last twelve years, the Liberals have fought tooth and nail to make Quebec see that their place was in Canada.They've done, and said anything possible. Some of it (Adscam) was illegal, and maybe not the best route to take. However, when it comes to keeping our nation together, they were willing to play dirty. They knew that the Bloc, and the PQ, were not going to play by the rules, and would do everything possible to ensure that the average franco-Canadien had no idea what life would REALLY be like outside of confederation, so they took risks, and threw every dollar they could at it to try and play the same games. We're all human, we all know that for the most part, the average joe such as myself does not always think through the consequences of their actions. We all know the 'Too good be true' line, but yet we all still jump on the bandwagon, hoping for once that it is not a con. Well, the Liberal Party knew that the population of Quebec was about to become the victims of a horrible con job, and did everything they could. Was it wrong? Yes. Did they have another choice? Not really. What is my point? Simply this: To say that the Liberals are pushing Quebec to seperate is dishonest. I guess with that logic, it does not shock me that the king of hypocrisy, Stephen Harper himself, is leading this charade. This is the same man who stated that he would build a firewall around Alberta, a man who was once a Reformist, hell,wrote their platform. Anyone who remembers the Reform party (I was a member) knows that Quebec was as good as done if they ever got in. It was Harper and his cronies who were so concerned with ridding Ottawa of the government that Canadians themselves voted in, that decided to drum up scandal after scandal. In their endless quest to tarnish the Liberals, and take away from the fact that this country has been run better in the last decade than it had been in ages, the CPC drummed up Adscam. With it, they managed to do two things. They've taken everyone's mind off of actual issues that concern every Canadian, convincing far too many that a CPC government, which would basically be a clone of the Bush Administration (with one large difference, Harper is intelligent), would be any less corrupt. Corruption exists in every corporation, at every level. In large groups, it is inevitable. It is not the party, but the individuals that are corrupt. It is amazing how little play the Grewal situation got, even though this man got CAUGHT manufacturing evidence, MAKING UP a scandal. If you think Harper had no idea, you're kiding yourself. But nobody in our 'Liberal' media is pointing this out. They've also managed to alienate Quebec, and basically assure that when the next referendum comes around, the Yes vote should get the boost it needs. He's managed to ensure that many franco-Canadians will vote out of anger, instead of reasoning. Once Quebec seperates, he will have all the ammo he needs to take Alberta out next. Hopefully, Canadians will realise that 'Stand Up For Canada' is just the latest in a string of Conservative hypocrisy. Hopefully, we will all wake up and realise that once Harper gets in, our country is finished.
Truthfuly Yours